Idiom World
         By Fawad Jalil Yusufi

G -Idioms

 gain ground

- to go forward, to make progress

The toy company is gaining ground in their effort to sell more products.
game that two can play

- a good or bad strategy that two competing sides can both use

The insults from my friend are a game that two can play and if she wants to continue then so can I.
gang up on (someone)

- to attack someone in a group

The children tried to gang up on the boy but he ran away.
gas up

- to fill up a gas tank

We must gas up before we leave on our holiday tomorrow.
gear up for (something)

- to prepare for something

The city is gearing up for the Olympic games.
gee whiz

- used as an exclamation to show surprise or other strong feelings

"Gee whiz! Are we really going to go to France for our holiday?"
generous to a fault

- to be too generous

My friend is generous to a fault and he sometimes gives too much to his friends.
get Idioms
get a bang out of (someone or something)

- to receive special pleasure from someone or something

My father gets a bang out of the funny birthday cards that we send him.
get a break

- to get an opportunity or good deal

I got a break when my friend sold me his car for a cheap price.
get a bright idea

- to have a clever thought or idea occur to you (often used as sarcasm)

My father got the bright idea that he should buy a motorcycle.
get a checkup

- to receive a physical examination by a doctor

I go to the doctor every year to get a checkup.
get a clean bill of health

- to be pronounced healthy by a doctor

I got a clean bill of health when I went to see the doctor.
get a dirty look from (someone)

- to receive a frown from someone

I got a dirty look from the man who was sitting next to my crying child.
get a feel for (something)

- to become accustomed to something and learn how it works, to learn how to do something

I am beginning to get a feel for my new job.
get a fix on (something)

- to receive a reading of a distant object by electronic means

We were able to get a fix on the island and took the boat safely to the harbor.
get a foothold (somewhere)

- to find a starting point somewhere

The new political party is beginning to get a foothold in the big cities.
get a grasp of (something)

- to begin to understand something

I am beginning to get a grasp of how to operate the new computer system.
get a grip of oneself

- to take control of one`s feelings

The man got a grip of himself and calmed down.
get a head start (on someone or something)

- to start earlier than someone or something, to start earlier than usual

We tried to get a head start on our holiday.
get a kick out of (someone or something)

- to enjoy someone or something

My father got a kick out of seeing his old school friend.
get a load of (someone or something)

- to take a good look at someone or something

"Get a load of that man over there with the four dogs."
get a load off one's feet

- to sit down and relax

I sat down and tried to get a load off my feet.
get a load off one's mind

- to express what one is thinking or worried about

I talked with my supervisor and was able to get a load off my mind regarding our recent conflict.
get a lot of mileage out of (something)

- to get much use from something (like a car)

I hope to get a lot of mileage out of the new sneakers that I bought last week.
get a lump in one's throat

- to feel like there is something in one's throat (like you are going to cry)

My sister got a lump in her throat when she watched her daughter's graduation.
get a move on

- to hurry up

"Please get a move on. We are already three hours late."
get a raw deal

- to receive unfair or bad treatment

The secretary got a raw deal when she was forced to work late everyday.
get a rise out of (someone)

- to tease or have fun with someone by making him or her angry or annoyed

We got a rise out of the teacher when we opened the window in the cold weather.
get a slap on the wrist

- to receive a light punishment for doing something wrong

The judge gave the boy a slap on the wrist and decided not to punish him severely for his crime.
get a suntan

- to make your skin browner/darker by exposing it to the rays of the sun

The girl went to the beach to get a suntan.
get a toehold (somewhere)

- to find a starting point somewhere

The new political party is beginning to get a toehold in rural areas.
get a whiff of (something)

- to learn a little about something (almost by chance)

Whenever the reporters get a whiff of a scandal they become excited and start asking questions.
get a wiggle on

- to hurry up, to get going

"Get a wiggle on. I want to arrive at the party before the other guests."
get a word in

- to find a chance to say something when others are talking

The customer could not get a word in while talking to the salesman.
get a word in edgewise

- to manage to join a conversation

I could not get a word in edgewise so I left the meeting.
get across (something) to (someone)

- to explain or say something so that someone can understand it

It was difficult to get across the importance of the school safety rules to the children.
get after (someone) to do (something)

- to urge someone to do something that he or she should do but has neglected

I will get after the repairman to fix the computer as soon as he returns.
get ahead

- to advance or be successful

The woman works hard at her job in order to get ahead.
get ahead of (oneself)

- to do or say something sooner than you should

I was getting ahead of myself when I started asking questions about the job that I did not have.
get ahold of (someone or something)

- to make contact with someone, to obtain something

I have been trying very hard to get ahold of my old high school teacher.
get along

- to leave

It`s late so I must get along now.
get along in years

- to grow older

My parents are getting along in years but they are still very healthy.
get along on (something)

- to manage to survive or do well with something

My friend is able to get along on very little money.
The young woman gets along on her good looks very well.
get along on a shoestring

- to manage with very little money

I had to get along on a shoestring during university.
get along (with someone)

- to have a good relationship with someone

I get along with everybody at my company.
get an earful

- to hear much talk/criticism/complaints about something

Our boss got an earful when he asked the employees if they had any complaints.
get around

- to go to different places, to move about

My friend gets around and has been to many different cities.
get around to (do something)

- to finally find time to do something

The apartment manager finally got around to fixing our bath.
get at (someone or something)

- to attack or hit someone or something

Our dog tried to get at the other dog.
get at (something)

- to mean something

I do not know what the man was trying to get at during the meeting.
get away

- to succeed in leaving, to escape

I was able to get away from work early so I went shopping.
get away from it all

- to go on a holiday

We want to get away from it all this summer and relax somewhere.
get away with murder

- to do something very bad without being caught or punished

The students were able to get away with murder while the substitute teacher was in the school.
get away with (something)

- to do something that one should not do and not get caught

The criminal got away with stealing the money and was never caught.
get back

- to return

We got back from London early yesterday afternoon.
get back at (someone)

- to do something bad to someone who has done something bad to you

The girl is angry at her boyfriend and she is getting back at him by not answering the telephone.
get back to (someone)

- to communicate something to someone at a later time, to contact someone later

We were very careful that our complaints did not get back to the school principal.
get back to (something)

- to return to something

I needed a rest before I could get back to my work.
get back together (with someone)

- to resume a relationship or marriage after separating

The couple got back together after separating for three months.
get behind

- to fail to maintain a desired pace or level of progress, to become late

If you get behind with your homework you will never pass many courses.
get behind (a person or idea)

- to support/help someone or something

Many people decided to get behind the candidate who promised to cut taxes.
get better

- to improve one's skill at doing something, to improve one's health

The little boy is getting better at riding his bicycle.
get by (on something)

- to be able to satisfy your needs with a certain amount of something (usually related to money)

The man is able to get by on his salary because he does not spend much money.
get carried away

- to be overcome by emotion or enthusiasm, to lose one's control or judgement

I got carried away yesterday and cleaned all of my apartment.
get close to (someone)

- to become close friends with someone

The woman tried very hard to get close to her youngest daughter.
get close to (something)

- to be almost as good as something, to almost reach or arrive at a goal

The charity is getting close to the final amount of money that they expect to collect.
get cold feet

- to become afraid at the last minute

The student got cold feet and cancelled his plans to go to China.
get cracking

- to hurry up, to start moving fast, to get started

We must get cracking on this job if we want to finish it before dinner.
get down to brass tacks

- to begin discussing/doing something immediately

"Let`s get down to brass tacks and finish this job quickly."
get down to business

- to begin to get serious

When the meeting began everybody got down to business and began to discuss the important issues.
get down to (something)

- to get started to do something

"Let`s get down to work so we can go home early."
get down to the nitty-gritty

- to get down to the facts

The teacher called us into her office to get down to the nitty-gritty of what had happened earlier.
get dressed up

- to put on one's best clothes

I usually get dressed up when I go to a nice restaurant.
get engaged (to/with someone)

- to make a plan to marry someone

My cousin decided to get engaged last month.
get even (with someone)

- to get revenge on someone

My sister wants to get even with her friend for being late for the concert.
the get-go

- the beginning

Right from the get-go I did not like the new manager.
get going

- to begin, to act, to go

"Let's get going and begin to clean the house."
get going

- to become excited/angry

When the man gets going he will never stop complaining.
get hold of (someone)

- to find a person so that you can speak with him or her

I tried to get hold of my brother last week but he was out of town.
get hold of (something)

- to get possession of something

"If you get hold of a dictionary, could you please let me borrow it for a few minutes."
get in on (something)

- to become involved in something

My friend wants to get in on the planning of the summer festival.
get in on the ground floor

- to start at the beginning of something (in hopes of future gain)

I am hoping to get in on the ground floor of the new company.
get in (someone's) hair

- to bother or irritate someone

The woman complained that her young child was always getting in her hair.
get in touch with someone

- to contact someone

I plan to get in touch with my friend when I arrive in New York in August.
get into a jam

- to become involved in trouble or a problem

I got into a jam when I lost the keys to my apartment.
get into a stew about/over (someone or something)

- to be worried or upset about someone or something

My mother is getting into a stew about my aunt not phoning.
get into hot water

- to get into trouble or difficulty

We got into hot water when they found us in the building after it had closed.
get into (something)

- to become interested or involved in something

I do not want to get into an argument with my friend.
We will get into the details of the plan tomorrow.
get into (somewhere)

- to enter somewhere

My friend wants to get into a good university.
I bumped my head as I was getting into the car.
get into the act

- to try to be part of whatever is happening

Everybody at the party wanted to get into the act and join the singers.
get into the swing of things

- to adapt to a new environment or situation

My friend got into the swing of things after the party started.
get into trouble

- to become involved in some kind of trouble

The young boys try not to get into trouble when they are left at home alone.
get involved with (someone)

- to become associated with someone (often romantically)

The bank teller got involved with the bank manager several months ago .
get it

- to understand something, to understand a joke

Everybody was laughing at the joke but I did not get it.
get it all together

- to be in full control of oneself

My friend got it all together and applied for the job at the supermarket.
get it through one`s head

- to understand/believe something

The man has got it through his head that he will get a job without making any effort.
Get lost!

- Go away!

The girl told her brother to get lost so she could finish doing her homework.
get mad at (someone or something)

- to become angry with someone or something

I often get mad at my friend when he is late.
get married

- to marry someone

We got married in June of last year.
get mixed up

- to become confused

"I`m sorry but I got mixed up with the dates. That`s why I came today."
get nowhere fast

- to make no progress

We are getting nowhere fast in our effort to convince our boss to give us a holiday.
get off

- to escape or avoid punishment

The criminal got off with a very light sentence from the judge.
get off (a bus/train/plane etc.)

- to leave or exit from a bus or train etc.

We decided to get off the train at the next station.
get off easy

- to escape a serious punishment

The criminals got off easy after they robbed the bank.
get off on the wrong foot (with someone or something)

- to make a bad start with someone or something

I got off on the wrong foot with my boss and our relationship is not good.
get off one`s butt

- to get busy, to start working

My friend should get off his butt and try to find a job.
get off one's high horse

- to become less arrogant

The manager was forced to get off his high horse and act better toward the employees.
get off (someone`s) back

- to leave someone alone and not bother him or her

I wish that my supervisor would get off my back.
get off the ground

- to make a successful beginning

My uncle's new business never got off the ground and he must look for a new job.
get off the hook

- to become free from an obligation

I got off the hook and I did not have to clean the classroom after school.
get off to a flying start

- to have a successful beginning

The new restaurant got off to a flying start when many people came during the first weekend.
get on in years

- to become older

My uncle is getting on in years and is not very healthy.
get on one`s high horse

- to behave with arrogance

Our boss likes to get on his high horse and give orders to everyone.
get on (someone`s) nerves

- to irritate someone

The woman's constant complaining is beginning to get on my nerves.
get on (someone) to do (something)

- to ask/pressure someone to do something

I will get on my friend to bring your book back tomorrow.
get on the good side of (someone)

- to get in someone's favor

I took my aunt to a nice restaurant in order to get on her good side.
get one's act together

- to become more organized

My sister finally got her act together and was able to find a new job.
get one's bearings

- to determine where one is

When I got my bearings I was able to easily find my way around the big department store.
get one's comeuppance

- to get the punishment that one deserves

The woman got her comeuppance when she was forced to apologize to the other woman in the company.
get one`s dander up

- to become angry

You should not talk to the supervisor early in the morning or you may get his dander up.
get one's ducks in a row

- to put one's affairs in order, to get things ready

I got my ducks in a row and was able to find a job easily.
get one`s feet wet

- to begin something, to do something for the first time

The writer got his feet wet in the publishing business and he is now ready to start his own business.
get one's fill of (someone or something)

- to receive enough of someone or something

Recently, I have got my fill of fresh corn and I do not want to eat any more.
get one's foot in the door

- to begin to do something that you hope will lead to future success (often used with jobs/careers)

I was able to get my foot in the door of the banking industry when I found a job at a bank.
get one's hands on (someone or something)

- to get someone or something in one's grasp

"When I get my hands on a hammer I will help you fix the door."
get one's head above water

- to get in control of one's situation (often financial situation)

When I get my head above water I will be able to spend less time working.
get one's just deserts

- to get what one deserves

The apartment manager got her just deserts when she was fired for bothering the tenants.
get one's money's worth

- to get value for what you have paid for

We got our money's worth when we stayed on the golf course for seven hours.
get one's nose out of (someone's) business

- to stop interfering in someone else's business

The school secretary was told to get her nose out of the teacher's business.
get one`s own way

- to be able to do what you want

The boy always gets his own way with his younger brothers.
get one`s rear in gear

- to hurry up, to get going

"Let`s get our rear in gear before it is too late to go to a movie."
get one's say

- to be able to say what one thinks

The meeting was over very quickly but everyone got their say.
get one's sea legs

- to become accustomed to something (like you would become accustomed to the movement of a ship)

After we got our sea legs we were able to get up and walk around the boat.
get one's start

- to receive the first major opportunity of one's career

The newspaper owner got his start by selling papers when he was a child.
get one's walking papers

- to get fired

The young man got his walking papers for being late too often.
get one's wires crossed

- to get confused about something

We got our wires crossed and we both went to different places for our meeting.
get out from under (someone or something)

- to escape from a situation that one does not like

I would like to get out from under my boss who is always watching my work.
get out of a jam

- to get free from a problem or bad situation

We got out of a jam this morning when enough people came to help finish the job.
get out of bed on the wrong side

- to be in a bad mood

I think that she got out of bed on the wrong side as she is not talking to anyone today.
get out of hand

- to get out of control

The party was beginning to get out of hand so we asked everyone to leave.
get out of (somewhere)

- to leave somewhere, to escape

I want to hurry and get out of my house so I will not be late for work.
get out of the way

- to stop obstructing or interfering with someone or something, to escape from something

The car was unable to get out of the way of the truck and it was hit.
get over (something)

- to overcome a difficulty, to recover from an illness or shock

The woman is having trouble getting over her father`s death.
get ready

- to prepare yourself for something

"First I must get ready for work, then I will help you."
get religion

- to develop a strong religious belief

My uncle recently got religion and is very busy now.
get rid of (something)

- to give or throw something away, to sell or destroy something, to make a cold or fever disappear

I bought a new television set so now I want to get rid of my old one.
get rolling

- to get started

"Let's get rolling and try and finish this project today."
get set

- to get ready to start something

Everybody is getting set for the wedding ceremony.
get sick

- to become ill

I got sick yesterday and did not go to the movie.
get sidetracked

- to become diverted from one's task

I began to watch the news and got sidetracked in what I had planned to do.
get (someone) down

- to make someone unhappy, to cause discouragement

The long commuting time is getting my friend down so she wants to quit her job.
get (someone`s) goat

- to irritate someone

My friend is always getting my goat and I am tired of him.
get (something) off one's chest

- to talk about something that has been bothering you

I told my father about my problem at work so that I could get it off my chest.
get (someone or something) out of one's mind/head

- to manage to forget about someone or something

It took me several months to get my old girlfriend out of my mind.
get (something) out in the open

- to make something public

We had a frank discussion in order to get everything out in the open.
get (something) out of one's system

- to get rid of the desire to do something

I went on a short holiday so that I could get travelling out of my system.
get (something) out of (something)

- to get some kind of benefit from something

My mother does not understand why my aunt can get something out of going to an opera.
get (something) out of the way

- to take care of some business, to do/finish something

We got our work out of the way and began to plan for the weekend.
get (something) over with

- to finish something (often something that you do not want to do)

I was very happy to get my exams over with.
get (something) straight

- to understand something clearly

I could not get what my friend was trying to tell me straight.
get (something) through (someone's) thick skull

- to manage to get someone to understand something

I could not get it through my friend's thick skull that I would not go on a holiday with him.
get (something) under control

- to be able to control something

The fire fighters were quickly able to get the fire under control.
get the ax

- to be fired

The man got the ax last week and now has no job.
get the ball rolling

- to start something

"Let`s get the ball rolling and start planning the party."
get the benefit of the doubt

- to receive a decision in your favor when the evidence in neither for you nor against you

I got the benefit of the doubt when I complained about my parking ticket.
get the better of (someone)

- to beat/defeat (someone), to win against someone

My friend got the better of me and won the tennis match.
get the blues

- to become sad or depressed

Every winter my neighbor seems to get the blues.
get the boot

- to be fired, to be told to leave a place

I got the boot from my first job in high school.
The man got the boot from the restaurant for smoking. get the brush-off

- to be ignored or sent away

I got the brush-off when I asked the girl to dance.
get the cold shoulder

- to be ignored or rejected

My friend got the cold shoulder when he went to the expensive restaurant.
get the day off

- to have a free day from work

I hope to get the day off tomorrow so I can visit my grandfather in the hospital.
get the facts straight

- to get a good understanding of the facts

I do not believe that our supervisor got the facts straight when she heard about our argument.
get the feel of (something)

- to become used to or learn about something

After you get the feel of the new computer it is very easy to use.
get the floor

- to receive official permission to address an audience

When the principal finally got the floor everybody was ready to go home.
get the go-ahead

- to receive a signal to start something

The construction company got the go-ahead to begin work on the new stadium.
get the goods on (someone)

- to find out true but often negative information about someone

I think that I have got the goods on the man and will talk to the police soon.
get the hang of (something)

- to learn how to do something

The boy was asked to help with the sound system after he got the hang of it.
get the jump on (someone)

- to get ahead of someone

We left home early so we could get the jump on the other travellers.
get the last laugh

- to laugh at someone who has laughed at you

We got the last laugh when the car that had passed us on the highway got a speeding ticket.
get the lead out

- to hurry

"Get the lead out," I said to my slow friend.
get the lowdown on (someone or something)

- to receive the full story about someone or something

I met a friend for coffee to get the lowdown on our friend who is getting married.
get the message

- to clearly understand the meaning of something

I told my friend to be quiet but I do not think that he got the message.
get the nod

- to be chosen for something

My favorite candidate got the nod to represent us in the election.
get the once-over

- to receive a quick visual examination

I quickly got the once-over when I arrived for the job interview.
get the picture

- to understand the whole situation

I did not get the picture of what my friend was saying about his new girlfriend.
get the red-carpet treatment

- to receive very special treatment

The Queen of England got the red-carpet treatment during her trip to Australia.
get the runaround

- to receive a series of excuses and delays

I got the runaround when I went to talk to the company about my parking ticket.
get the sack

- to be fired from a job

I told the employee that if he does not change his work habits he will get the sack.
get the shock of one's life

- to receive a serious emotional shock

I got the shock of my life when I saw my teacher on TV.
get the short end of the stick

- to get less than others

I sometimes get the short end of the stick and I have to do more work than the other students.
get the show on the road

- to start working on something

"Let`s get the show on the road and begin work for the day."
get the third degree

- to be questioned in great detail and for a long period of time

The boy got the third degree when he came home late for dinner.
get the upper hand (on someone)

- to get into a position superior to someone

I got the upper hand during my dispute with the apartment manager.
get the worst of (something)

- to be defeated, to receive less benefit than someone else

The man got the worst of the deal when the salesman sold him the used car.
get through (something)

- to complete something, to finish something, to survive something

My friend is having trouble getting through her final exams.
I have much reading that I must get through before tomorrow.
get through to (someone)

- to make someone understand something

I tried talking to the woman but I could not get through to her.
get time off

- to receive a holiday from work

I can never get time off in the summer.
get to do (something)

- to have a chance or to be able to do something

I did not get to go to the circus last week.
get to first base

- to make a start, to succeed

I tried to meet the company president but I could not get to first base.
get to one's feet

- to stand up

The members of the audience got to their feet when the concert finished.
get to the bottom of (something)

- to find out the real cause/answer of something

The government wants to get to the bottom of the financial problems in the company.
get to the heart of (something)

- to understand the most important thing about something

We were in the meeting for three hours trying to get to the heart of the problem.
get to the root of a problem

- to get an understanding of the causes of a problem

The purpose of the meeting was to get to the root of the problem about the money.
get tough with (someone)

- to become firm/strict with someone

The school plans to get tough with students who are late.
get under (someone`s) skin

- to bother or upset someone

The woman always gets under my skin although I do not really know why.
get under way

- to start

The festival got under way early this morning.
get up

- to get out of bed, to get to one`s feet

I got up early today so that I could go fishing with my friend.

- energy, enthusiasm, drive

The man has lots of get-up-and-go and it is difficult to follow him around.
get up enough nerve (to do something)

- to become brave enough to do something

I finally got up enough nerve to ask the woman for a date.
get up on the wrong side of the bed

- to be in a bad mood

My friend got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning and will not talk to anyone.
get up the nerve to (do something)

- to become brave enough to do something

I tried to get up the nerve to ask my friend about his new job.
get used to (someone or something)

- to become accustomed to someone or something

I am slowly getting used to my new job.
get what`s coming to one

- to receive the good or bad that one deserves

The criminal got what was coming to him when he was sent to jail for two years.
get wind of (something)

- to hear about something

I got wind of the changes in our company from my friend.
get wise to (someone or something)

- to learn about something that is a secret

The man got wise to the fact that someone was stealing his money.
get with it

- to pay attention, to get busy

I told my friend to get with it or he would have problems with his boss.
get worked up about/over (something)

- to get excited or angry about something

My friend always gets worked up about his problems at work.


- fancy dress or costume

"What was that strange getup that your friend was wearing the other day?"
ghost of a chance

- very little chance, the smallest chance

The boy does not have a ghost of a chance to finish his homework before class.
gift of the gab

- the ability to talk well

My friend has the gift of the gab and is fun at a party.

give Idioms
give a wide birth to (someone or something)

- to keep away from someone or something, to keep a safe distance from someone or something

I usually give a wide birth to my boss when he is angry.

- sharing, giving and receiving between people

You must be willing to give-and-take if you want to have a good marriage.
give away (a secret)

- to let a secret become known

I do not want my friend to give away my plans to go to Mexico for a holiday.
give away (something)

- to give something to someone

I decided to give away my bicycle because I did not need it anymore.
give birth

- to have a baby

The woman gave birth to a baby boy last night.
give chase to (someone or something)

- to chase or run after someone or something

The police gave chase to the man who robbed the store.
give credence to (someone or something)

- to believe someone or something, to credit someone or something

We did not want to give credence to the man's statement so we did not respond to it.
give credit where credit is due

- to acknowledge or thank someone who deserves it

We gave credit where credit is due and thanked the cook for her hard work.
give free rein to (someone or something)

- to allow someone to be completely in charge of something, to give someone or something freedom

The man was given free rein to do what he wanted in his new job.
give ground

- to move back, to retreat, to stop opposing someone

Our boss refused to give ground on his plan to change the system of office management.
give in to (someone or something)

- to give someone his or her own way, to stop opposing someone or something

The company gave in to the union`s demand for more money.
give it to (someone)

- to punish or scold someone

The father gave it to his son when the boy came back late with the car.
give it to (someone) straight

- to tell something to someone directly

My boss gave it to me straight about my chance to get a promotion.
give off (something)

- to send out a smell or something, to produce a smell or something

The garbage was beginning to give off a bad smell because of the hot weather.
give one`s right arm

- to give something of great value

I would give my right arm to be able to go to Italy with my friends.
give oneself away

- to show guilt, to show that you have done wrong

The girl gave herself away when she said that she had not been downtown although her boyfriend had seen her there.
give oneself up

- to surrender, to stop hiding or running away

The robbers gave themselves up when the police surrounded the house.
give oneself up to (something)

- to let oneself enjoy something, to not hold oneself back from something

The man gave himself up to enjoy the party although he was feeling sick.
give or take (a certain amount of something)

- plus or minus a small amount

I think that the man is about 45 years old give or take five years.
give out

- to fail, to wear out

We went hiking last week but my legs gave out so we had to return early.
give out

- to be gone, to finish

We went camping for a week but our food gave out after only three days.
give out (a sound)

- to utter a sound

The girl gave out a loud scream when she saw the spider.
give out (something)

- to give something to people, to distribute something

We gave out more than six hundred balloons at the shopping center.
give rise to (something)

- to cause something

The problems with the heating system gave rise to several other problems.
give (someone) a black eye

- to hit someone near the eye so it becomes dark, to harm someone's reputation

I bumped into the door and it gave me a black eye.
give (someone) a blank check

- to give someone the freedom or permission to do what they think is necessary

The new coach was given a blank check by the university to try and improve the team.
give (someone) a break

- to give someone a chance

We decided to give the woman a break and not complain about her bad manners.
give (someone) a bum steer

- to make a misleading suggestion

The store owner gave the police a bum steer when he told them where the robber may have gone.
give (someone) a clean bill of health

- to declare that someone is healthy (usually done by a doctor)

My doctor gave me a clean bill of health during my recent checkup.
give (someone) a dirty look

- to frown or make an angry face at someone

I gave the woman a dirty look when she talked loudly on her cell phone.
give (someone) a fair shake

- to treat someone fairly

Our company tries to give everyone a fair shake.
give (someone) a free hand (with something)

- to give someone complete control over something

The city gave the homeowners a free hand to plan the new playground.
give (someone) a hand

- to help someone do something

"Please give me a hand to move this piano."
give (someone) a hard time

- to tease someone, to make trouble for someone

The girl gave her boyfriend a hard time about his new haircut.
The new supervisor is giving me a hard time.
give (someone) a head start

- to allow someone to start earlier than others

We gave my friend a head start in the treasure hunting contest.
give (someone) a piece of one's mind

- to scold or become angry with someone

When I met my friend yesterday, I gave her a piece of my mind.
give (someone) a ring/buzz

- to call someone on the telephone

I plan to give my friend a ring when I get home tonight.
give (someone) a run for their money

- to give someone a challenge

Our team gave the stronger teams a run for their money during the championship finals. give (someone) a start

- to startle or surprise someone

The dog gave me a start when it suddenly appeared.
give (someone) an earful

- to scold someone, to tell someone much information (usually in an angry way)

I gave my sister an earful when she phoned me.
give (someone) an inch and they will take a mile

- if you give someone a little they will want more, some people are never satisfied

If you give the children an inch they will take a mile so you should be strict sometimes.
give (someone) credit for (something)

- to acknowledge or thank someone for something that they have done

Everybody gave the man credit for saving the life of the girl.
give (someone) enough rope and he or she will hang themself

- give someone enough time and freedom to do what they want and they will make a mistake or get into trouble and be caught

"Don`t worry about trying to fight him. If you give him enough rope he will hang himself."
give (someone) one`s word

- to make a promise to someone

My friend gave me his word that he would meet me at the library.
give (someone) pause to think

- to cause someone to stop and think

The accident on the highway gave everyone pause to think.
give (someone) the ax

- to fire an employee

We gave the new employee the ax because he was always late for work.
give (someone) the benefit of the doubt

- to assume/believe that someone is right or innocent of something

I gave the man the benefit of the doubt but I still think that he is lying.
give (someone) the boot

- to fire someone, to force someone to leave a place

The manager gave our friend the boot when he began yelling in the restaurant.
give (someone) the brush-off

- to send someone away, to ignore someone

I gave the woman the brush-off when I saw her in the supermarket.
give (someone) the bum's rush

- to make someone leave a place quickly

The club owner gave us the bum's rush when we began to make too much noise.
give (someone) the cold shoulder

- to be unfriendly to someone

I gave the woman the cold shoulder at the party.
give (someone) the creeps

- to make someone feel uncomfortable

The girl next door is very strange. She gives me the creeps.
give (someone) the eye

- to look or stare at someone (especially in a cold or unfriendly way)

The store manager began to give me the eye so I left.
give (someone) the green light/the go-ahead

- to give someone permission to begin a project

The city gave us the green light to begin work on the new housing project.
give (someone) the low-down (on someone or something)

- to tell someone the full story about someone or something

I gave my friend the low-down on our plans for the weekend.
give (someone or something) the once-over

- to visually examine someone or something quickly

We gave the man the once-over when he walked into the restaurant.
give (someone) the red-carpet treatment

- to give someone very special treatment

The city gave the politician the red-carpet treatment when he came for a visit.
give (someone) the runaround

- to give excuses and delays to someone

We tried to get a refund for our airplane tickets but the company gave us the runaround.
give (someone) the shirt off one's back

- to be very generous to someone

My uncle is very kind and he will give you the shirt off his back.
give (someone) the slip

- to escape from someone

The bank robbers tried to give the police the slip but they were soon caught.
give (someone) the third degree

- to question someone in great detail

The woman gave her son the third degree when he returned home.
give (someone) their due

- to give someone the credit that they deserve

You have to give our company president his due. He has saved the company from bankruptcy.
give (someone) what's coming to him or her

- to give someone what they deserve

I gave my neighbor what's coming to her when I complained to the police about her dog.
give (something) a shot

- to try something

I plan to give golfing a shot during my summer holidays.
give (something) a whirl

- to attempt to do something

I decided to give singing a whirl so I joined a singing club.
give (something) one's best shot

- to try very hard

I plan to give the new job my best shot.
give the devil his due

- to give credit to someone who deserves it even if you dislike him or her

I do not like to work with my coworker because he is lazy. However, you have to give the devil his due. He always gets the job done.
give up

- to abandon/stop something

I have decided to give up my plan to work in Hong Kong for a year.
give up the ghost

- to stop working, to die

My old car finally gave up the ghost so I must buy another one.
give up the ship

- to stop fighting, to stop trying or hoping to do something

"Please don`t give up the ship and quit this company. You still have a useful role to play."
give voice to (one's feelings)

- to express what one feels or thinks

The man has begun to give voice to his feelings about his new job.
give way

- to collapse, to fail

The dam gave way and the water flooded the farmland below.


- something that is given away free, an act of giving something away, an unintential betrayal of a secret or repressed feeling or plan

Our supervisor's speech was a giveaway. Now, I know that he is planning to retire.
given to understand (something)

- to understand something plainly and clearly

I was given to understand that I could rent an apartment very cheaply in this area.
glad hand

- to shake hands in a friendly way

The politician likes to glad hand people at the shopping center.
gloss (something) over

- to try to make what is wrong or bad seem unimportant, to hide something

The accountant tried to gloss over the amount of money that the company lost last year.
glutton for punishment

- a person who likes difficult or unpleasant tasks

My friend is a glutton for punishment and he will always do the most difficult jobs available.
gnash one's teeth

- to grind one's teeth

I gnashed my teeth before I went to talk to my boss.

go Idioms go a long way toward (something)

- to be almost enough, to contribute much to something

The money from the government will go a long way toward building a new library.
go about one's business

- to be busy or start working on something

Everybody is going about their business again after the holidays.
go after (someone)

- to try to catch someone

The police decided to go after the cars that were speeding near the school.
go after (something)

- to attempt to get something, to strive for something

Our team will go after the championship again this year.
go against the grain

- to go against the natural direction or inclination of something

The man's unfriendly attitude goes against the grain of the usually friendly company.
go ahead

- to move forward

The cars could not go ahead very quickly.
go ahead (and do something)

- to proceed to do something, to continue with something

"Let`s go ahead and start now. We can`t wait any longer."
go ahead (with something)

- to proceed to do something, to continue with something

The city plans to go ahead with the plan to build a new stadium.
go all out

- to use all of one's energy/resources

We plan to go all out for my sister's wedding.
go along

- to move along, to continue

The man invents his stories as he goes along.
go along with (someone)

- to go with someone, to accompany someone

I plan to go along with my friend to the ice cream parlor.
go along with (someone or something)

- to agree with someone, to accept someone's decision or suggestion

Everybody went along with my idea to have a party on the weekend.
go ape

- to become very excited, to behave in a crazy way

My father went ape when he heard how much money I had spent.
go around

- to go from one place or person to another

We plan to go around to several shops until we find a cheap computer.
go around in circles

- to do something without making any progress

My friend has been going around in circles and has not made any progress with his essay.
go around the bend

- to go crazy

The apartment manager seems to be going around the bend.
go astray

- to be led into error or wrongdoing (a person), to be mislaid (an object)

The young boy went astray after spending much time with the older boys.
My calculator went astray and I cannot find it.
go at it

- to fight or argue with someone

When I entered the room the two men were going at it loudly.
go at it hammer and tongs

- to fight or argue with great strength or energy

The couple go at it hammer and tongs every evening.
go at it tooth and nail

- to fight or argue with great strength or energy

The couple were going at it tooth and nail when the police arrived.
go away empty-handed

- to depart with nothing

The boy went away empty-handed after he asked his father for more money.
go back on one's word

- to break one's promise

My supervisor went back on his word when he refused to give me a day off.
go bad

- to become rotten/bad

The apples will go bad if they are not eaten soon.
go bananas

- to go crazy or become silly, to become angry

The father went bananas after he discovered that his son had taken the family car.
go begging

- to be unwanted or unused

Much food went begging when fewer people than expected came to the dinner.
go broke

- to lose all of one`s money

The company went broke and many people lost their jobs.
go by the book

- to follow the rules exactly

Most police officers go by the book when they arrest a criminal.
go cold turkey

- to stop doing something (usually a bad habit) suddenly

I decided to go cold turkey and quit smoking.
go down fighting

- to continue to struggle until one is defeated

The politician plans to go down fighting to try to keep his job.
go down in history

- to be remembered as an important historical event

The concert will go down in history as the biggest in the world.
go downhill

- to become worse and worse

The local economy has been going downhill for many years.
go Dutch

- to each pay for themselves (used for two people)

We always go Dutch when we go on a date.
go easy on (someone or something)

- to be kind or gentle with someone or something

I asked my friend to go easy on my car when he borrowed it.
go for broke

- to risk everything on one big effort, to try as hard as possible

We are going for broke to try and win the new contract.
go for it

- to decide to do something in an enthusiastic way, to try for something

We decided to go for it and try to climb the mountain.
go for (something)

- to try to get something, to desire something

I have decided to go for the new job at the computer center.
go from bad to worse

- to get worse, to deteriorate

Things are going from bad to worse in our company.

- an ambitious person who works hard to become successful

My friend is a go-getter. He works hard and is very successful.
go great guns

- to do something very fast or with great energy

The workers were going great guns when I saw them this morning.
go halves

- to share equally

We decided to go halves on buying a new computer.
go haywire

- to become damaged, to stop working properly

At first, things were going well but later our plans began to go haywire.
go hog-wild

- to behave wildly

The little boys went hog-wild during the birthday party.
go in for (something)

- to choose something as one's particular interest, to occupy oneself with something

My friend is going to university and will go in for medicine.
Many of the students are going in for water sports recently.
go in one ear and out the other

- to hear something but then quickly forget it

Everything that the teacher says goes in one ear and out the other for my friend.
go into detail

- to present and discuss the details of something

The lawyer refused to go into detail about his client's problems.
go into effect

- to become effective (a law or a rule), to start to function

The new parking regulations will go into effect next week.
go into hiding

- to conceal oneself in a hiding place for a period of time

The bank robbers went into hiding after the bank robbery.
go into hock

- to go into debt

I do not want to go into hock in order to buy a new stereo system.
go into orbit

- to lose one`s temper, to become very angry

The bank manager went into orbit when he learned about the missing money.
go it alone

- to do something by oneself

Nobody would help us so we had to go it alone with the project.
go jump in a lake

- to go away and quit bothering someone

My friend wanted to borrow some money from me but I told her to go jump in a lake.
go like clockwork

- to progress in a regular and dependable way

Everything was going like clockwork when suddenly the lights went out.
go off

- to explode

The firecracker went off before I could put it down.
go off

- to begin to ring or buzz

The fire alarm started to go off just as we entered the building.
go off half-cocked

- to act or speak without thinking

Our boss often goes off half-cocked when he is at a meeting.
go off on a tangent

- to suddenly change one's line of thought or course of action

The speaker suddenly went off on a tangent and began to speak about something totally different.
go off (somewhere)

- to leave/depart for somewhere

My friend went off on a trip and did not say good-bye.
go off the deep end

- to become angry or emotional

The man went off the deep end when he saw his picture in the paper.
go on

- to continue

The game will probably go on for an hour after we leave.
go on

- to talk for too long

My friend started to go on about his problems so I decided to leave.
go on

- to be put on something, to fit on something

The top of the jar would not go on so I threw it in the garbage.
go on a binge

- to do too much of something

My cousin went on a binge and ate four chocolate bars.
go on a diet

- to start a plan/program to decrease some foods in order to decrease one's weight

I plan to go on a diet at the beginning of the year.
go on a rampage

- to rush around destroying things

The football fans went on a rampage and destroyed many things.
go on and on

- to continue for a long time

My friend went on and on with his speech until finally I fell asleep.
go one`s own way

- to go or act the way one wants

My friend plans to go his own way and start his own business next year.
go out for (something)

- to try something (usually a sport)

My friend is going out for rugby this summer.
go out of fashion/style

- to become unfashionable

Striped pants have recently gone out of fashion.
go out of one`s way

- to make an extra effort

My aunt went out of her way to help me when I visited her.
go out the window

- to be abandoned, to go out of effect

The school dress code went out the window when the new principal arrived.
go out (with someone)

- to date someone

The girl wants to go out with the boy in her history class.
go over like a lead balloon

- to fail, to do badly

My idea for shorter working hours went over like a lead balloon at the meeting.
go over (someone's) head

- to be too difficult for someone to understand

The explanation of how to operate the machinery went over my head.
go over (something)

- to examine or review something

The accountant will go over the numbers tomorrow.
We plan to go over the question tomorrow.
go over (something) with a fine-toothed comb

- to search through something very carefully (fine-tooth comb is also correct)

We went over the room with a fine-toothed comb while looking for the earring.
go over big/well with (someone)

- to be liked, to be successful

I am sure that my idea will go over well with my friends.
go over with a bang

- to succeed in a spectacular way

The opening ceremony went over with a bang and everybody was very happy.
go overboard

- to do something in excess

The man went overboard with the birthday party preparations.
go places

- to have a good future

The young man will go places with his good looks and good education.
go sky-high

- to reach a very high price/level

The price of gasoline has gone sky-high recently.
go so far as to say (something)

- to put something into words

The company president went so far as to say that he may be leaving very soon.
go (someone) one better

- to do something better than someone else, to do more than someone

I decided to go my friend one better and I bought a more expensive present for my girlfriend.
go stag

- to go to an event by oneself (without a date - usually used for men)

I decided to go stag to the wedding.
go steady with (someone)

- to date the same person all the time (usually used for teenagers)

My sister has been going steady with her boyfriend for two years.
go stir-crazy

- to become anxious because one is confined to a small space

After many days of rain I began to go stir-crazy because I could not leave the house.
go straight

- to become an honest person, to lead an honest life

The man was in prison for two years but now he wants to go straight.
go the distance

- to do the whole amount, to finish something

I was able to go the distance and finish my project without any help.
go the extra mile

- to do more than one is required to do to reach a goal

I always try to go the extra mile and help my friends when they need help.
go the limit

- to do as much as possible

I plan to go the limit and try to get the job.
go through

- to be approved, to pass, to be agreed upon

The new law will probably go through next week.
go through (an experience)

- to experience/suffer something, to live through something

The man went through some hard times after he lost his job.
go through changes

- to be involved in changing circumstances

The woman has gone through many changes since recently.
go through channels

- to use the proper procedures to do something (especially in a hierarchy or bureaucracy)

We always must go through the proper channels to get anything done with the city.
go through (someone)

- to have contact with someone (often to get permission or approval from someone with power or authority)

Everybody has to go through the accountant to get money for their expenses.
go through (something)

- to examine something carefully, to search carefully for something

The police went through the house to look for a weapon.
I plan to go through my old clothes and give some of them to my friend.
go through (something)

- to discuss something, to look at something, to do something

The teacher decided to go through the exercise after the test.
go through the motions

- to do something insincerely

The manager went through the motions of apologizing but he was not sincere.
go through the roof

- to go very high

The price of oil is going through the roof.
go through (trouble or something)

- to endure something, to experience something

I had to go through a lot of trouble to get my new passport.
go through with (something)

- to finish something, to do something as planned or agreed

My friend has decided to go through with his plans to finish university.
go to any length

- to do whatever is necessary

The man will go to any length to get what he wants.
go to bat for (someone)

- to support or help someone

I plan to go to bat for my friend if he has a problem at work.
go to one`s head

- to become conceited

The man's new position has gone to his head and he will not speak to us now.
go to pieces

- to lose one's self-control

The woman went to pieces when she learned about her father`s death.
go to pot

- to deteriorate

The business has gone to pot since the new manager came.
go to rack and ruin

- to reach a very bad state of repair

The building has gone to rack and ruin since the new owners bought it.
go to (someone's) head

- to make someone too proud

The girl won the beauty contest and now it has gone to her head.
go to the expense (of doing something)

- to pay the cost of doing something

We had to go to the expense of buying a new tent for camping.
go to the trouble (of doing something)

- to make an extra effort to do something

My aunt went to the trouble of buying a new sofa bed for her guests.
go to town

- to work fast or hard, to do something with much energy

We went to town last night and finished painting the bedroom.
go to waste

- to be wasted, to be unused

I did not want the extra food to go to waste so I invited my friend to visit.
go together

- to look/sound/taste good together

The red wall and the green sofa do not go together in the apartment.
go too far

- to do more than is acceptable

The man went too far when he accused his boss of lying.
go under

- to fail

The small company went under after only a few months in business.
go under the knife

- to have surgery

My father will go under the knife on Monday.
go up in flames/smoke

- to burn or be destroyed by fire, to fail, to not come true (dreams)

The waiter's plans to open a new restaurant went up in smoke after he lost his job.
go whole hog

- to do everything possible

We plan to go whole hog to make the party successful.
go with (something)

- to go well with something

My green shirt does not go with my red hat.
go with (something)

- to choose one thing rather than another

We decided to go with the small rental car rather than the large one.
go with the flow

- to proceed in an easy manner with what others are doing

I usually go with the flow and never disagree with my friends.
go without (something)

- to manage to survive or do well without something

We had to go without water for two days in our apartment.
go without saying

- to be so easy to understand that it does not have to be mentioned

The man is a hard worker so it goes without saying that his boss is very happy with him.
go wrong

- to fail

Things began to go wrong as soon as our camping trip began.

goes to show

- something serves to prove a point

His success goes to show that hard work will lead to success.
(have something) going for you

- to be or have something as an advantage

The woman should do very well as she has many things going for her.
going rate

- the current rate

The going rate for carpenters is very high and it will cost much money to build the house.
gold mine of information

- someone or something that is full of information

The woman is a gold mine of information and she is very valuable to her company.
golden opportunity

- an excellent and rare opportunity

The hot weather was a golden opportunity for the ice cream seller to make money.
gone but not forgotten

- to be gone/dead but still remembered

Our grandfather is gone but not forgotten.
gone to meet one's maker

- to be dead

The car accident was terrible and the driver has gone to meet his maker.
gone with the wind

- to be gone

The woman is gone with the wind and we will probably never see her again.
good deal

- a product of good quality and a cheap price

You can usually get a good deal on stereos at that discount store.
a good deal of (something)

- much of something, a lot of something

We had a good deal of paint remaining after we finished painting the room.

- to be worthless

The man is a good-for-nothing and lazy worker.
Good grief!

- used to show surprise (good or bad)

"Good grief! It`s 6:00 and I still have not finished this job."
good old days

- earlier times which everyone remembers as being better than the present

In the good old days people could buy a house easier than today.
good riddance

- used to express happiness when you lose/break something that you do not like or want, used when someone that you don't like leaves

I said good riddance when my old computer stopped working and I had to buy a new one.
good riddance to bad rubbish

- used to show that you are happy that someone or something has been taken or sent away

"Good riddance to bad rubbish! I don't like him and I am glad that he has left."
good sport

- a person who loses a competition/game without complaining

My friend is a good sport and he never complains about losing.
goof off

- to fool around, to not work or be serious

He has been goofing off all afternoon and has not done any work.
gospel truth

- the undeniable truth

The man told the gospel truth at the court trial.
got/have a thing going (with someone)

- engaged in an activity with someone (in romance or business)

The man has got a thing going with his neighbor.
grab a bite (to eat)

- to get something to eat

We stopped at a small restaurant to grab a bite to eat.
grace (someone or something) with one's presence

- to honor someone or something by being present

The Queen graced the opening of the hospital with her presence.
grain of truth

- the smallest amount of truth

There was not a grain of truth in what the man said.
grasp at straws

- to try something with little hope of success

The man is grasping at straws with his weak excuse for his bad behavior.
grass is always greener on the other side (of the fence)

- a place or situation that is far away or different seems better than one's present situation

My cousin is always changing jobs because she thinks that the grass is always greener on the other side.
grate on (someone's) nerves

- to annoy/bother someone

The woman's singing is beginning to grate on my nerves.
gravy train

- a job that gives one much money compared with what you do

The cleaning contract was a gravy train. We worked for 3 hours but we got paid for 8 hours.
gray area

- something difficult to define or put into a particular category, something that is not clear

Some of the legal issues were in a gray area.
grease (someone`s) palm

- to pay money to someone for some special favor

We had to grease the border guard`s palm in order to enter the country.
greasy spoon

- a small and cheap eating place with basic but not great food

We went to a greasy spoon for breakfast because the other restaurants were closed.
a great deal of (something)

- much or a lot of something

There was a great deal of water in our house after the flood.
greatest thing since sliced bread

- the best thing that there ever was

The new digital camera is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

- to be inexperienced or immature

The new employee is green and does not know his job very well.
a green thumb

- the skill to make plants grow

The man has a green thumb and has a very beautiful garden.
green with envy

- to be very jealous, to be full of envy

The little girl was green with envy when she saw her friend`s new bicycle.
grin and bear it

- to endure something unpleasant with good humor

I have to grin and bear it when my supervisor becomes angry with me.
grind to a halt

- to slow down and stop (like a machine when it is turned off)

The city ground to a halt when the electric power was off for five hours.
grist for the mill

- something that can be used for one's advantage

The information was grist for the mill of the salesman.
grit one's teeth

- to grind one's teeth together in anger and determination and reluctance

I grit my teeth and phoned my father to ask if I could borrow some money.
gross out (someone)

- to make someone sick or disgusted

The movie was very violent and grossed out my sister.
ground floor

- the first or best chance (especially in a business)

The video store was a good investment and I was happy to get in on the ground floor.
ground (someone)

- to take away someone's privileges (usually used for teenagers)

The girl was grounded by her parents because she came home late too often.
grounds for (something)

- the basis/reason for legal action or a complaint

The fact that the man stole the money was grounds for his dismissal from the company.
grow on (someone)

- to become acceptable to someone or liked by someone

At first I did not like the strange music but it is beginning to grow on me.
grow out of (something)

- to abandon something as one matures or becomes older

The little boy is beginning to grow out of his baby chair.
grow to do/like (something)

- to gradually begin to do something or like someone or something

I am growing to like the people who live next door to me.
grunt work

- hard and thankless work

I am often forced to do the grunt work at my company.
guard against (someone or something)

- to take care to avoid someone or something

When we go to the beach we must guard against the hot sun.
guest of honor

- the special person for whom a party or ceremony is held

My father was the guest of honor at the company banquet.
gulp for air

- to desperately try to get air or a breath

The man began gulping for air after he fell into the lake.
gum up

- to cause something not to work, to make something go wrong

The computer printer became gummed up as I was trying to print my resume.
gun for (someone)

- to look hard for a chance to harm or defeat someone

My supervisor has been gunning for me for a long time and I do not know why.
gun for (something)

- to try very hard to get a prize or promotion etc.

I have been gunning for the sales job for a long time.

- to be enthusiastic, to be full of eagerness

My friend is gung-ho about her new job at the library.
gut feeling/reaction

- a personal/intuitive feeling or response

I had a gut feeling that my friend would not get the job that he wanted.
gyp (someone) out of (something)

- to cheat someone

The woman at the store gypped the man out of some money.