Idiom World
         By Fawad Jalil Yusufi

I -Idioms

 idiot box

- television set

My friend sits in front of the idiot box all day and never gets any work done.
if looks could kill

- used when someone makes an unfriendly look or frowns at someone

If looks could kill then the horrible way that the woman looked at me would have killed me instantly.
if so

- if that is the case

The lawyer said that he wants to meet us this afternoon but if so then we will not have any documents ready to discuss.
if the shoe fits, wear it

- if something that is said describes you then it probably is meant for you as well

He was complaining that many workers at his company were lazy. However, his friend looked at him and said that if the shoe fits, wear it.
if worst comes to worst

- if the worst possible thing happens

If worst comes to worst we can cancel our holiday and go next year.
ill at ease

- nervous/uncomfortable

He appeared to be ill at ease during the interview.
ill-disposed to (do something)

- not friendly or favorable to something

Our company is ill-disposed to begin working on the project with the other company.
ill-gotten gains

- money or other goods acquired illegally or dishonestly

The man used his ill-gotten gains from the sale of the stolen car to go on a holiday.
ill will

- hostile feelings or intentions

There is much ill will between the two departments in our company.
implicate (someone) in (something)

- suggest that someone is involved in something

The man was implicated in the scheme to sell the illegal shares in the company.

in Idioms in a bad mood

- sad, depressed

I was in a bad mood after I wrote the university exam.
in a bad way

- in a bad or critical state

The woman is in a bad way after her recent car accident.
in a bind

- in trouble

They will really be in a bind if they can`t sell their house by next month.
in a coon's age

- in a very long time

I have not seen my friend in a coon's age.
in a family way

- pregnant, going to have a baby

Our new secretary is in a family way and plans to take a few months off from work soon.
in a flash

- quickly

I was finished with the job interview in a flash.
in a fog (haze)

- confused, not sure what is happening

He is always in a fog and never seems to know what is going on.
in a fool's paradise

- seem to be happy but in a situation that will not last

The couple were living in a fool's paradise with their temporary jobs and the high salaries.
in a hole

- in some trouble, in an embarrassing or difficult position

He is really in a hole now that he has problems both at work and at home.
in a huff

- in an angry or offended manner

The head of our department left the meeting in a huff.
in a hurry

- moving or acting quickly

He is very busy and always in a hurry.
in a jam

- in trouble, in a difficult situation

He is in a jam now that his car is not working properly.
in a jiffy

- very fast, very soon

I promised that I would be finished with the phone in a jiffy.
in a kind/sort of way

- to a certain extent, a little, somewhat

In a kind of way I want to buy a new car but in other ways I don't think that I really need one.
in a lather

- excited and agitated

My friend was in a lather when she heard that she would be transferring to another department.
in a little bit

- soon

"I will give you back your dictionary in a little bit."
in a mad rush

- in a hurry, frantically

The woman was in a mad rush to finish her shopping and return home.
in a month of Sundays

- in a very long time

I have not been to the shopping mall in a month of Sundays.
in a nutshell

- briefly

I tried to explain the problem to him in a nutshell but there still wasn`t enough time.
in a pickle/in a pretty pickle

- in a mess, in trouble

My friend is in a pickle now that she has lost her job.
in a pig`s eye

- hardly, unlikely, never

In a pig`s eye will I let him borrow my car next weekend.
in a pinch

- okay when nothing else is available

The other tool will do in a pinch if we can`t find the correct one.
in a quandary

- confused and uncertain about what to do

I am in a quandary about where I should go on my vacation next month.
in a rush

- in a hurry

They did the job in a rush so I am a little worried about the quality.
in a rut

- always doing the same thing

She feels that she is in a rut after doing the same job for seven years.
in a sense

- in a way, sort of

In a sense I can understand what my friend's problem is about but still it is difficult to imagine what he wants to say.
in a snit

- in a fit of anger or irritation

My friend was in a snit because I forgot to phone her on Saturday.
in a split second

- in just an instant

The car accident happened in a split second before anyone could do anything to prevent it.
in a spot

- in some trouble, in an embarrassing or difficult position

She is in a spot right now as she was unable to enter university and also has no job.
in a stew (about someone or something)

- upset or bothered about someone or something

The woman's husband is in a stew because he lost his car keys.
in a stupor

- in a dazed condition

I was in a stupor after I wrote my last exam.
in a tight spot

- in a difficult situation

The man was in a tight spot after he lost his job.
in a tizzy

- in an excited and confused condition

The girl was in a tizzy all morning as she got ready for her friend's wedding.
in a way

- to a certain extent, a little, somewhat

In a way I want to go to the restaurant but basically I don`t care.
in a word

- briefly, to sum up

In a word, the problem with the car is that it needs a new motor.
in a world of one`s own

- in deep thought or concentration, not caring about other people

He is always in a world of his own and doesn`t notice what other people say or think.
in abeyance

- the temporary suspension of an activity or a ruling

The final estate settlement was in abeyance while the lawyers looked at the will in more detail.
in accordance with (something)

- in agreement with (something)

In accordance with the wishes of my grandfather we did not sell the family farm.
in addition to (something)

- additionally, further

In addition to a degree in history my friend also has a degree in economics.
in advance

- ahead of time

They bought the tickets in advance so that they could get a good seat.
in agreement

- in harmony, agreeing

All of the members of the team were in agreement regarding the training schedule of the coach.
in all one's born days

- in all one's life

In all my born days I have never met a more stubborn person.
in all probability

- very likely

In all probability I will be unable to attend my classes during the next two weeks.
in and of itself

- considering one thing alone

In and of itself there is no problem having a large number of people at the dinner. However, the fire regulations do not allow so many people to be in the building
in and out

- coming in and going out often

He has been in and out all day but I don`t know where he is at the moment.
in any case/event

- no matter what happens, surely, without fail

I may not be able to meet you next week but in any case I will still give you the books before then.
in arms

- armed, angry and ready to fight

The workers are in arms since they found out about the wage decrease.
in arrears

- overdue (bills or money), late

I have never been in arrears with my bill payments.
in awe of (someone or something)

- fearful and respectful of someone or something

All of the children were in awe of the firemen who came to visit the school.
in bad faith

- with bad or dishonest intent

The man was bargaining in bad faith when he tried to buy the car.
in bad/poor taste

- rude, vulgar

The jokes that the man told at the dinner were in very bad taste.
in between

- located in the middle of two things/states

My friend is in between jobs at the moment.
in black and white

- in writing

I want to get the information in black and white before I go to the meeting.
in bloom/blossom

- a flower/tree at the peak of blooming

All of the flowers are in bloom in our garden now.
in brief

- briefly

I explained in brief what the new supervisor was supposed to do while I was on vacation.
in broad daylight

- publicly visible in the daytime

The robbery of the store took place in broad daylight.
in bulk

- in large quantities or amounts

We usually buy some of our food in bulk.
in cahoots with (someone)

- in secret agreement or partnership with someone

The supermarket was in cahoots with the vegetable producer to try and keep the prices high.
in care of (someone)

- send something to one person at the address of another person

My income tax refund was sent to me in care of my company.
in case

- if, if something should happen

I will take my umbrella in case it rains.
in case of

- in the event of, if there should be, as a precaution

In case of fire we keep our computer backup files in a fireproof safe.
in character

- as usual, typical, in the way that a person usually behaves

Supporting the members of her staff is in character with the way our manager does business.
in charge of (someone or something)

- in control or authority, responsible for someone or something

He is in charge of the sales department at his company.
in check

- under control, kept quiet

The violence was kept in check by the police department and the army.
in clover

- rich or successful, having a pleasant or easy life

They are in clover now that they have sold their business and retired.
in cold blood

- without feeling or pity, cooly and deliberately

The family was murdered in cold blood by the criminal gang.
in common

- shared together or equally, in use or ownership by all

I had nothing in common with the other members of the class.
in concert (with someone)

- with the aide of someone

We made the presentation in concert with members of another company.
in consequence of (something)

- as a result of something

In consequence of my loss of job, I am no longer able to keep living in my present apartment.
in contempt of court

- disrespect for a judge or for courtroom procedures

The woman was in contempt of court when she refused to sit down quietly during the trial.
in custody of (someone or something)

- being looked after by someone or something, under guard by someone

The child was placed in custody of the state while her mother got treatment for her substance abuse problem.
in debt

- owing money

The man has been in debt for most of his life.
in deep

- seriously mixed up in something like debt or trouble

The man is in deep because of debt and other problems.
in deep water

- in a serious situation, in trouble

The boy is in deep water because of his problems at school.
in defiance of (someone or something)

- against someone's will or against instructions

The company continued to operate their business in defiance of a court order.
in denial

- refusing to believe something that is true

The man was in denial about the fact that he may lose his job.
in detail

- giving all the details, item by item

I told the police about the events in detail.
I explained how to fix the computer in detail.
in disguise

- looking like someone else

The bank robber was in disguise when he robbed the bank.
in drag

- wearing the clothes of the opposite sex

The tourists were shocked when they went to the stage show and found many of the performers in drag.
in due course

- in the usual amount of time, at the right time

We will send the information to you in due course.
in Dutch (with someone)

- in trouble with someone

The boy was in Dutch with his father for breaking the window.
in earnest

- sincerely

The young woman has been looking for a job in earnest since she graduated.
in effect

- for practical purposes, basically

The man's silence was in effect a way of disagreeing with the other people in the meeting.
in effect

- in existence, operating or functioning

The smoking law has been in effect for three years.
in essence

- basically

I was told in essence about the problems that the company was having.
in exchange for (someone or something)

- in return for someone or something

I received the camera in exchange for several discount coupons.
in existence

- now existing

The company has been in existence for many years.
in fact

- actually, the truth is

He`s been to China before. In fact he`s been there three times.
in fashion

- fashionable

Very thin neckties have not been in fashion recently.
in favor of (someone or something)

- approving or supporting someone or something

Most members of the city council were in favor of building the new stadium.
in flight

- while flying

Two wonderful meals were served while we were in flight.
in flux

- in constant change, changing

The school administration has been in flux for several months now.
in for (something)

- unable to avoid something, sure to get something

He is in for a lot of trouble now that he is unable to finish his graduation essay.
in force

- in a very large group

The fans came out in force to cheer for their favorite team.
in full swing

- in progress

The campaign to stop people from smoking is in full swing.
in general

- in most situations or circumstances

In general, most of the people in our apartment are happy with the new manager.
in good conscience

- having good motives

I wrote the letter and complained to the woman in good conscience.
in good faith

- with good and honest intentions

Our company was bargaining in good faith when they met the other company.
in good hands

- in the safe and competent care of someone

My dog was in good hands when I gave him to my father to look after.
in good repair

- in good condition

My car is always in good repair when I go on a holiday.
in good shape/condition

- functioning or working well

Our television set was in good shape when we gave it to my friend.
in good spirits

- happy/cheerful/positive

Everyone was in good spirits when they went to the beach for a picnic.
in good time

- a little early, sooner than necessary

I will try and get the information to you in good time so that you will be able to decide what to do.
in good with (someone)

- in someone's favor

My cousin is in good with his boss and has an easy time at work.
in great demand

- wanted by many people

The young pianist is in great demand by symphony orchestras around the world.
in hand

- under control

The teacher had the class in hand when the principal came to visit the classroom.
in heaven

- in a state of absolute happiness, dead and in heaven

I felt that I was in heaven when I learned that I would get the job that I wanted.
in high gear

- very fast and active

The preparations for the party were in high gear when I arrived at the house.
in hindsight

- thinking about the past with the knowledge one now has

In hindsight, it was easy to determine what I had done wrong in the job interview.
in hock

- in a pawnshop

The man put his expensive stereo in hock to get some money for a holiday.
in honor of (someone or something)

- showing respect or admiration for someone or something

The dinner was in honor of the first principal of our school.
in hopes of (something)

- expecting something

I wrote the entrance exam in hopes of entering my favorite university.
in horror

- with intense shock or disgust

I watched in horror as the cars crashed into the truck that had stopped.
in hot water

- in trouble

I am in hot water over the extra expenses that I used during the conference.
in ink

- written or signed with a pen

We were asked to write down our names and addresses in ink.
in its entirety

- in a state of completeness

I read the novel in its entirety although it was very difficult to read.
in jeopardy

- in danger, at risk

Our contract with the large company was in jeopardy because of our inability to quickly provide them with our products.
in keeping with (something)

- continuing with something, doing something similar

In keeping with our tradition of letting the visiting team kick first we will do it for this game as well.
in kind

- payment for something with some goods rather than money

We will pay them back in kind for the use of their sailboat.
in labor

- a woman going through childbirth

The man's wife was in labor for three hours.
in league with (someone)

- in secret agreement or partnership with someone

The union has been in league with management to try and close the factory.
in less than no time

- very quickly

My friend had to go to the bank but in less than no time he returned to my house.
in lieu of (something)

- in place of something

We received a free movie pass in lieu of a refund of our movie ticket.
in light of (something)

- as a result of new information, because of something

In light of his contribution to the company we decided to give him a large summer bonus.
in limbo

- in an indefinite state, a state of neglect, a region on the border of hell

Everything in the company was in limbo as we waited for news of the takeover bid.
in line

- standing and waiting in a line of people

We stood in line for three hours while waiting for the concert tickets.
in line

- doing or being what people expect or accept, within ordinary limits

It was difficult to keep the children in line at the picnic but somehow we managed.
in love

- liking/loving someone very much

He has been in love with his girlfriend ever since he met her in high school.
in luck

- having good luck, finding something good by chance

I think that we are in luck. I was able to buy two tickets for the concert.
in memory of (someone or something)

- as a reminder of someone or something, as a memorial to someone or something

We decided to collect some money and buy a painting in memory of our grandfather.
in mint condition

- in perfect condition

The old coins that my father gave me were in mint condition.
in name only

- not actual, only by name

The man was an animal doctor in name only and had never once treated a sick or injured animal.
in need

- someone requires basic things like food/clothing/housing

The victims of the hurricane were very much in need after the storm was over.
in need of (someone or something)

- requiring someone or something

We are in need of a new stove in our apartment.
in neutral

- a car's motor is running but the gear is in neutral so the car does not move, something does not move

I put the car in neutral as I waited for the train to pass.
in no mood to (do something)

- not feel like doing something

I was in no mood to argue with my friend this morning.
in no time

- soon, quickly

I will have this done for you in no time and then you can go for lunch.
in no uncertain terms

- in very specific and direct language

I told my neighbor in no uncertain terms that I wanted the music to stop.
in nothing flat

- quickly

I will have this information printed out for you in nothing flat.
in on (something)

- joining together for something

We went in on a present for our father for Father`s Day.
in on (something/a secret)

- told about something, having knowledge of something

I was finally in on the secret about why the supervisor left our company.
in one ear and out the other

- be heard and then immediately forgotten

Everything that the teacher says seems to go in one ear and out the other for my friend.
in one fell swoop

- as a single incident or event

In one fell swoop we sold our car, furniture and apartment and moved to Germany.
in one's birthday suit

- naked, nude

The little boy was running around in his birthday suit after his bath.
in one's blood

- built into one's personality or character

Riding a horse is in the girl's blood and she is an expert at it.
in one's book

- according to one's own opinion

In my book she is the best teacher that we have ever had.
in one's cups

- drunk

I think that my grandfather was in his cups when he wrote the letter to his friend.
in one`s element

- in an environment or situation that comes naturally to someone

She is in her element being in charge of the new sales department.
in one`s face

- abruptly, unexpectedly

The plan blew up in our face just as we were ready to start.
in one's glory

- at one's best or happiest

I was in my glory when I had the best seats in the stadium.
in one`s good books/graces

- approved of by someone, liked by someone

I have been in my friend's good books since I helped her with her homework last month.
in one`s hair

- annoying someone

The child has been in my hair all morning because she is on holidays now.
in one`s mind`s eye

- in one`s imagination

In my mind`s eye I tried to imagine that I was on a nice sunny beach.
in one's opinion

- according to one's belief or judgement

In my opinion, my aunt is the best cook in the world.
in one's (own) backyard

- very close to someone

Nobody wants the chicken farm in their own backyard.
in one's own best interest(s)

- to one's advantage or benefit

It was in my friend's own best interests to move into a larger apartment with his family.
in one's prime

- at one's peak or best time

My cousin was in his prime when he entered the bicycle race.
in one's right mind

- rational and sensible

The girl was not in her right mind to quit her job right now.
in one's salad days

- in one's youth

In her salad days my mother was a very good dancer.
in one's second childhood

- interested in or doing things that children normally do

My uncle is in his second childhood and has just bought a sports car.
in one`s shell

- withdrawn, silent, not sociable

We are trying to get her out of her shell but she still doesn`t want to talk to anyone.
in one`s shoes

- in someone else's place or position

I wish that I was in his shoes with his great job and new car.
in one's spare time

- in one's free time

My cousin likes to fix old clocks in his spare time.
in one's Sunday best

- in one's best clothes that you would wear to worship (in the days when people dressed in a formal way)

I was dressed in my Sunday best when I went for the job interview.
in one`s tracks

- abruptly, immediately, just where one is at the moment

I stopped in my tracks when I saw the snake on the road.
in order to

- for the purpose of

They have decided to close down the school for the summer in order to do some major repairs.
in other words

- in a different (usually more direct) way

"In other words, if I don`t finish the assignment by Wednesday I will not pass the course."
in over one's head

- have more difficulties than one can manage

The supervisor was in over his head when he began to try and fire people for no reason.
in part

- to some extent, partly

I think that the reason he is not golfing well this year is in part because of his back problem.
in particular

- specifically, especially

My father likes almost all sports but in particular he loves basketball.
in passing

- casually, as an aside

I mentioned to my friend in passing that I had recently decided to change jobs.
in pencil

- written or signed with a pencil

I wrote the exam in pencil in case I wanted to change some of the answers.
in perpetuity

- eternally, forever

The school was given the right to use the city park for sports in perpetuity.
in person

- actually present at a place or event

I had to go to the bank and sign the papers in person.
in place

- in the proper place or location

Everything in the room was in place when we arrived for the meeting.
in place of (someone or something)

- instead of someone or something

I was able to play in the soccer tournament in place of an injured player.
in plain language/English

- in simple and clear language

My bank explained to me in plain English what the terms of the loan were.
in point of fact

- really, truthfully

In point of fact there were not enough people at the meeting to vote on the proposal.
in practice

- in the actual doing of something

In practice the business does not operate the way that you would expect it to.
in practice

- well-practiced, well-exercised

The girl was not in practice and couldn't play the piano very well.
in print

- a book or magazine is available for sale from the publisher

The book which I am looking for is still in print.
in private

- privately

The meeting was held in private in the office of the school principal.
in progress

- taking place at this time

The meeting is now in progress so we can't enter the room.
in proportion

- having the right/wrong proportion in relation to something else

We tried to make sure that the bookshelves were in proportion when we rebuilt the house.
in public

- in a place/way where other people can see

People are not allowed to smoke in public in many places.
in pursuit of (something)

- chase after something

The young man has been in pursuit of his dream of becoming a doctor for a long time.
in rags

- dressed in worn-out and torn clothing

The man standing outside the restaurant was in rags.
in reality

- really

The woman said that she wants a job but in reality I don't think that she really wants to work.
in receipt of (something)

- having received something

I am in receipt of an order from the city to cut down a tree in our backyard.
in recent memory

- the recent period of time in which you can remember things

In recent memory our football team has never been as strong as it is this year.
in rehearsal

- developing or practicing for a play/opera/concert

I talked to the conductor of our orchestra in rehearsal today.
in remission

- a disease that seems to be getting better

The cancer of my neighbor's mother has been in remission for several weeks now.
in retrospect

- thinking about the past with the knowledge one now has

In retrospect, I would have handled the conflict with my friend very differently.
in return for (someone or something)

- as part of an exchange, as a way of paying someone back

In return for cleaning his carpets my friend helped me clean up our basement.
in round numbers/figures

- an estimated number, a figure that has been rounded off

I was able to learn, in round numbers, how much it would cost to move to a larger apartment.
in ruin

- destroyed

Most of the hotels along the beach were in ruin after the hurricane.
in search of (someone or something)

- trying to find someone or something

I have been in search of a good restaurant for the family dinner for several weeks now.
in season

- currently available for sale, legally able to be caught/hunted

The cherries are in season now and they are very delicious.
in secret

- secretly

The meeting to talk about building the new hospital took place in secret.
in session

- a court/organization is operating or functioning

The court has been in session since 9:00 AM.
in seventh heaven

- very happy

I have been in seventh heaven since I started my new job.
in shambles

- in a messy state

The house was in shambles after the two little boys played in it all day.
in short

- stated briefly

"In short, I have just explained how we are going to do the next project."
in short order

- very quickly

I finished my work in short order and joined my friends at the restaurant.
in short supply

- not enough, in less than the amount or number needed

Chairs were in short supply so some of the guests had to sit on the floor.
in sight

- able to be seen

There were no birds in sight so we went back to the hotel and stopped bird watching for the day.
in single file

- lined up, one behind the other

Everybody lined up in single file behind the leader of each group.
(not) in so many words

- (not) exactly, (not) explicitly

My teacher told me about the problems in our class but not in so many words.
in some/many respects

- with regard to some or many details

In many respects our new house is much more convenient than our previous one.
in some way/ways

- in some unspecified way or manner, by some unspecified means

In some ways I know what my friend thinks but in some ways I do not.
in (someone's) clutches

- in the control of someone who has power over someone else

I think that the young boy is in his friend's clutches and can't make up his mind for himself.
in (someone's) favor

- to someone's advantage or credit

The judge decided the court case in our favor and we didn't have to pay the court costs.
in (someone's) name

- in someone's ownership/property

I put my father's car in my name as soon as he gave it to me.
in (someone's) prayers

- remembered by name when someone prays

My friend's father was in my prayers when he went to the hospital for a major operation.
in (someone's) shoes/place

- seeing or experiencing something from someone else's point of view

I wish that my father could see some of my difficulties at work in my shoes.
in spite of

- in opposition to, despite

In spite of the terrible weather we went to the beach for a picnic.
in step with (someone or something)

- marching with the same rhythm as someone else, in agreement with the others in a group

All of the members of our group were in step with each other regarding the New Year's party.
in stitches

- laughing

They were in stitches over their teacher`s joke.
in stock

- available or ready to sell or use

The store did not have any computer discs in stock.
in storage

- in a place where things are stored or kept

We put all of our furniture in storage and went for a trip around the world.
in store

- ready to happen, waiting

I don`t really know what the future has in store for me but I will be ready for anything.
in style

- in fashion, fashionable

Recently, the clothes that my sister wears are not in style.
in surgery

- undergoing or doing surgery

My grandfather was in surgery for several hours this morning.
in tandem

- in single file

All of the students walked in tandem as they went to the sports festival.
in tatters

- torn or destroyed

My backpack was in tatters after the dogs finished playing with it.
in terms of (something)

- with regard to something

In terms of our agreement with the other company we were not allowed to sell the products online.
in the absence of (someone or something)

- without someone or something

In the absence of any concrete plans for the building we decided to try and sell it.
in the act of (doing something)

- while doing something

The young man was arrested in the act of stealing the stereo from the store.
in the affirmative

- saying yes

Everybody in the class voted in the affirmative to go golfing for the field trip.
in the air

- current, exerting an influence

It is in the air that we will be getting a new supervisor next week.
in the bag

- certain, sure

The new contract will be in the bag if we put in a good proposal.
in the balance

- in an undecided state

The decision to buy a car or not was in the balance as we tried to borrow some money from the bank.
in the bargain

- in addition to what was agreed upon

There was a camping stove in the bargain when we bought the camping equipment at the store.
in the best of health

- very healthy

My father has been in the best of health for many years now.
in the black

- have a credit balance, make a profit

The company has been in the black for over three years now.
in the buff/raw

- naked, nude

I was in the buff when the doorbell rang.
in the cards

- to be expected, likely to happen, predictable

I think that a new company policy is in the cards but I can`t be sure.
in the care of (someone)

- in the keeping of someone

The package for my cousin arrived at our house in the care of my father.
in the case of (someone or something)

- in the matter of someone or something

In the case of the man who stole the car he went to jail for several months.
in the charge of

- under the care or supervision of

The girl has been in the charge of her grandmother since her mother and father died.
in the chips

- wealthy

My aunt has been in the chips since she won the lottery.
in the clear

- with nothing to limit action, free of anything that makes moving or seeing difficult

We seem to be in the clear now so it should be safe to cross the road.
in the clear

- free of blame or suspicion

The police talked to the three boys for a few minutes but they seem to be in the clear now.
in the clouds

- far from real life, in dreams, in thought

His head is usually in the clouds so you may have trouble finding out what you want to know from him.
in the context of (something)

- in the circumstances under which something has happened

In the context of everyday work I could understand what my friend was saying.
in the course of

- during

In the course of his life he visited over 45 countries.
in the dark

- having no information about something

He is still in the dark about my plans to quit my job.
in the doghouse

- in trouble

He is in the doghouse with his wife after staying out late last night.
in the doldrums

- sluggish, in low spirits

My mother has been in the doldrums since she came back from her holidays.
in the driver's seat

- in control

I am in the driver's seat regarding what kind of apartment we rent for our holiday.
in the end

- eventually, ultimately

In the end, I decided not to go to a movie with my friend.
in the event of (something)

- if something happens

In the event of a fire, everybody must immediately leave by the front door.
in the final/last analysis

- in truth, when all the facts are known

In the final analysis I believe that it will be impossible to continue with our present policy.
in the first place

- firstly, to begin with

"Of course I can`t go. In the first place I must work on Saturday. In the second place I have no money."
in the flesh

- really present, in person

I have never had the chance to meet the president of our university in the flesh.
in the groove

- at one`s best, doing something very well

We are finally in the groove and should be able to finish this job by early next week.
in the hole

- having a score lower than zero in a game

At the beginning of the game we were in the hole but later we began to do well.
in the hole

- in debt, lose money

Although he is always working he always seems to be in the hole.
in the interest of (someone or something)

- as a benefit to someone or something, to advance or improve someone or something

In the interest of improving communication between the members of the staff we had a large barbecue so people could meet each other.
in the interim

- in the time between the ending and beginning of something

The school is not yet built so in the interim we have our classes in an office building.
in the know

- knowledgeable

I don't think that our teacher is in the know about the problems in the other classes.
in the lap of luxury

- in luxurious surroundings

I have been living in the lap of luxury since I got a big salary increase at work.
in the limelight

- at the center of attention

Our police chief has been in the limelight since the big scandal began.
in the line of duty

- done or happening as part of a job

The police officer was killed in the line of duty during the bank robbery.
in the long run

- the distant future, in the end

For now he is losing money on his stocks but in the long run he should make money.
in the mainstream

- following current trends/styles that are popular or common

My brother has never been in the mainstream when it comes to working and raising a family.
in the market for (something)

- wanting or ready to buy something

I am in the market for a new computer as my old one is too slow.
in the meantime

- the period of time between now and the beginning of something

I can't go to university now so in the meantime I am going to a junior college.
in the middle of nowhere

- in a very remote place

We stopped in the middle of nowhere to have a picnic.
in the money

- wealthy, the winning position in a race

Now that my cousin is working, he is finally in the money.
in the mood for (something)

- feel like doing something

I am not in the mood for pizza this evening.
in the near future

- in the time immediately ahead

In the near future I plan to move to a smaller apartment and try to save some money.
in the nick of time

- just in time, just before it is too late

I was able to answer the telephone just in the nick of time.
in the nude

- naked

I was in the nude after my shower when the phone rang.
in the offing

- happening at some time in the future

There is a meeting in the offing to try and make a new schedule for the junior tennis games.
in the open

- in an area that is not closed in, outdoors

Everybody was out in the open during the wedding when the rain began to fall.
in the pink

- in very good health

My grandmother is in the pink and is doing very well.
in the prime of life

- in the best and most productive and healthy period of life

The young man was in a terrible car accident and died in the prime of life.
in the public eye

- publicly, visible to all

The actor has not been in the public eye since he got into trouble with the law.
in the rear

- behind someone or something

There were several trucks in the rear when they opened the bridge to traffic last night.
in the red

- lose money, not make a profit

The company has been in the red for three years now.
in the right

- on the right or legal side of an issue

I was in the right when I was involved in the car accident at the intersection.
in the right place at the right time

- in a place or time that is beneficial to you

I was lucky to be in the right place at the right time when I found my job.
in the running

- competing and having a chance to win

I think that I am in the running for a promotion at my company.
in the saddle

- in command, in control

The president is back in the saddle again after being ill for several months.
in the same boat

- in a similar situation

We are all in the same boat now that our store has gone out of business.
in the same breath

- said almost at the same time

My friend said that he was busy on Friday but in the same breath he suggested that we go away for the weekend.
in the second place

- in addition, secondly

In the first place I am very tired and in the second place I don't have enough money to go to the movie.
in the short run

- for the immediate future

In the short run I don't think that my uncle will make much money with his fast food business.
in the soup

- in serious trouble, in disorder

She is in the soup now that she has had a big fight with her boss.
in the swim

- active in something, know what is going on

He is definitely in the swim. He has information about everybody.
in the trust of (someone)

- under the responsibility or care of someone

My grandmother's money was placed in the trust of my mother.
in the twinkling of an eye

- very quickly

In the twinkling of an eye the little boy disappeared in the department store.
in the unlikely event of/that

- if something which probably won't happen actually happens

In the unlikely event that the money will not be transferred to the bank we will send out a check.
in the wake of (something)

- as a result of something, following something

In the wake of the large number of people who have recently left our company we will need to hire some new people.
in the way of (something)

- as a kind of something

I gave my girlfriend a small present in the way of trying to apologize for our fight last week.
in the wind

- soon to happen, being planned

It is in the wind that they are planning to open a new store next year.
in the works

- in preparation, being planned or worked on

Don`t worry about whether or not we will be building the new computer lab. It is definitely in the works.
in the worst way

- very much

I would like to go to the new movie in the worst way.
in the wrong

- wrong, against justice/truth/fact

The driver was in the wrong and was arrested by the police after the accident.
in the wrong place at the wrong time

- something bad happens in a place or time where you happen to be

The man was in the wrong place at the wrong time when the car hit him.
in theory

- theoretically

In theory it is possible to make much money selling real estate but in practice it is very difficult.
in this day and age

- presently, currently

In this day and age it is almost impossible to find a store that sells the old style of cassette tape players.
in time

- early enough

I didn`t come home in time to meet my cousin.
in times past

- long ago, in previous times

In times past many people would attend the sports festival in the small town.
in top form

- in very good physical condition

The tennis star was in top form during the big tournament.
in touch

- talking or writing to each other, giving or getting news

We are still in touch even though we have been out of school for many years.
in tow

- being pulled

The truck had a trailer in tow when it went off the highway.
in tow

- being taken from place to place, going along with someone

She spent the morning at the shopping center with her child in tow.
in transit

- in the process of being transported

The cars were in transit when there was a train and truck accident.
in trouble

- in danger, in difficulty

The boy has been in trouble with the school all of this term.
in tune

- going well together, in agreement, matching

We have been in tune with each other ever since we met at our high school graduation party.
in turn

- each following another

We went up to the front of the class in turn in order to pick up our diplomas.
in two shakes of a lamb`s tail

- quickly, in no time at all

"I will have this finished in two shakes of a lamb`s tail and then I will give it to you."
in unison

- acting as one, together and at the same time

The fans cried out in unison when the star player made a goal.
in vain

- without effect, without success

I tried in vain to find a good job but it was impossible.
in view of

- after thinking about, because of

In view of the large number of people who have come, I think that we will need a bigger room.
in with

- in friendship/favor/closeness with someone

I think that he was in with the wrong group of people when he was in high school.
inch along

- move along slowly

The road was very bad this morning and the traffic was only inching along.
inch by inch

- little by little, one inch at a time

I checked the park inch by inch to try and find my watch.
inclined to (do something)

- tend toward doing something

Our boss is not inclined to let us take extra days off work during the busy summer months.
incumbent upon (someone) to (do something)

- necessary for someone to do something

It is incumbent upon the next mayor to try and do something about crime in the city.
ins and outs of (something)

- all the details of something

He knows all the ins and outs of the new machine.
inside and out

- in every part, completely

We checked the room inside and out for my lost wallet.
inside out

- so that the inside is turned outside

She turned her purse inside out in order to look for her lost key.
inside track

- an advantage, shortest distance around a racetrack

I think that he has the inside track on getting the new job at the computer company.
instead of

- in place of

"Let`s meet at the restaurant instead of the department store as we had planned."
instrumental in (doing something)

- playing an important part in doing something

Our teacher was instrumental in getting the school to change their policy on using the library after school.
intent on (doing something)

- determined to do something

I am intent on buying some new furniture when we move to a new house.
into being

- into existence

The new parking regulations came into being early last week.
into thin air

- completely, without anything left

The group of hikers vanished into thin air and were never heard of again.
invasion of (someone's) privacy

- intrude and cause someone to lose their privacy

It was an invasion of our privacy when the supervisor asked us to open the mail that we received in the company.
invest (something) in (something)

- put one's time/effort/energy into doing something

I have been investing a lot of time into the project to raise money for the new counseling center for young people.
iron out (something)

- work out something, solve a problem

We have ironed out all of our problems at work and are doing better now.
irons in the fire

- things one is doing, projects with which a person is busy

Recently he has too many irons in the fire. That is why he has become sick.
issue a call for (something)

- make a public invitation or request for something

The government issued a call for people to donate goods to help the hurricane victims.
itching palm

- a wish for money, greed

The guard at the hotel has an itching palm so be careful of him.